Songbirds in Asia are threatened with extinction due to excessive and strongly cultural rooted consumption of wild songbirds for trade, songbird competitions, pets, export, traditional medicine and food. This campaign aims to save a growing number of songbirds by increasing knowledge, awareness and commitment to do action within and beyond the zoo community.
conductor: Jan Wierzba
orchestra: mainly members of Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música
choir: mainly members of Coro Casa da Música
In the dismal post-apocalyptic landscape of the coal basin in the northern part of the Czech Republic, through an artistically conceived film, we learn about an environmental movement whose motto is „change the system, not the climate“. Why these ecological activists are being labeled extremists is, for the film director, one of the examples of how the state is creating the enemy, thereby strengthening its own power.
"We support teenagers and young people whose lives have been affected by cancer. Adolescence is difficult as it is, and an oncological disease adds a heavy load... on the spirit as well as the body. At Pink Bubble, our mission is that not only the youngest kids but also older ones know that they have someone to lean on during this complicated phase of life. Be it the treatment itself, the recovery or their return to everyday life."
Expo 2015's theme was "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life", encompassing technology, innovation, culture, traditions and creativity and how they relate to food and diet. The exposition developed themes introduced in earlier expos (such as water at Expo 2008 in Zaragoza) in light of new global scenarios and emerging issues, focusing on the right to healthy, secure and sufficient food for the world's inhabitants. Futuristic concerns about food security are compounded by forecasts of increasing uncertainty about the quantity of food which will be available globally.
director: Vladimír Turner
Through performances in the post-industrial landscape of the Most Basin, the filmmaker addresses the consequences of exploiting natural resources. Live tableaux, in which symbolic funerals for the devastated landscape - paradoxically full of strange unnatural beauty – are held, are a critical commentary on how we deal with the natural environment.
Snaha o zachycení nezachytitelného před zrozením.
Stars: Markéta Jandová
Screenplay: Taťana Rubášová
Sound: Adam Bláha
Music: Martina Vídenová
Editor: Rolando Garduño
Camera, Director: Yvona Teysslerová
Concept and performance: Vladimír Turner
Camera assistant: Martina Machovičová
Sound design: Martina Vídenová
Kolektiv Obsaď a žij dne 10. června na několik hodin oživil opuštěný dům v pražském centru, který vlastní Úřad pro zastupování státu ve věcech majetkových (ÚZSVM). Aktivisté chtěli svou akcí upozornit na absenci zákona o sociálním bydlení, zhoršující se dostupnost bydlení a přemíru chátrajících domů po celé republice. Kolem sedmé hodiny večerní dorazily na místo policejní jednotky, prostor zapáskovaly a nikoho už nepouštěly dovnitř. Krátce před desátou začal policejní zásah a ve dvě ráno byla první část aktivistů a aktivistek naložena do policejních antonů a odvezena na služebnu. Druhá skupina aktivistů zůstala na střeše až do šesté hodiny ranní. Venku se během večera a noci shromáždilo na podporu squatterů několik desítek lidí.
Scénář je volnou adaptací povídky A. P. Čechova Černý mnich, přičemž z literární předlohy je zachována stěžejní myšlenka: neschopnost prožít radost a štěstí. Důraz je introspektivně veden na hlavní postavu Ondřeje, jehož vnější i vnitřní tlaky dovedou ke schizofrenii.
Stars: Jiří Havelka, Ondřej Bauer, Andrea Daňková, Zdenek Dolanský
Screenplay, Director, Editor: Taťána Rubášová
Camera: Yvona Teysslerová
Sound: Adam Bláha
Music: Martina Vídenová
Production: Zuzana Kučerová